The ECHA has issued a last call for manufacturers and importers to pre-register their substances with ECHA to be able to extend the deadline for registering existing, low volume chemicals by the last REACH registration deadline. ECHA has stated that many companies already pre-registered their substances according to the first pre-registration deadline in December 2008.
If a company has recently started to manufacture or import a substance that is not a known carcinogen, mutagen or toxic to reproduction in amounts of 1 to 100 tons a year, the company may pre-register within six months of starting the activity. The latest time to pre-register is May 31, 2017, one year before the last deadline for registration of existing chemicals manufactured or imported in the European Union/European Economic Area (EU/EEA). Pre-registration will enable companies to continue supplying low-volume chemicals legally on the EU/EEA market until the registration deadline. If a company does not have a valid pre-registration or registration of an existing substance after May 31, 2017, the company will need to submit an inquiry to ECHA and register the substance before the company can manufacture or import it. |
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