![]() The Malaysian Ministry of Energy Science, Technology, Environment and Climate Change has issued the Renewable Energy (Amendment of Schedule) (No. 2) Order 2019. This amendment makes a text substitution in the schedule of the Renewable Energy Order. Additional information: http://www.federalgazette.agc.gov.my/outputp/pua_20190401_PUA103.pdf. If you are interested in EHS regulatory products for Malaysia, the Isosceles Group provides a number of tools covering this jurisdiction including: EHS Legal Registers, EHS Audit Checklists, EHS Audit Checklist Supplements, EHS Quarterly Regulatory Updates, and more. Please contact Brittany Palmer at 617.330.2800 or [email protected] for a customized quote. Denmark's Executive Order on the Amendment of the Order on Measures to Prevent Cancer Risk When Working with Substances and Materials (the Order) repealed a series of requirements for workplace instructions. The Order modifies the footnote of the title to the Order, repeals Section 15, and replaces Section 16 with a series of training, instruction, and education provisions. The Order enters into force on July 1, 2019.
Additional information: https://www.retsinformation.dk/Forms/R0710.aspx?id=207713. China's Ministry of Ecology and Environment, in conjunction with a number of the country's other agencies, announced a ban on the production, distribution, use, import, and export of lindane and persistent organic pollutants. The ban serves to implement the requirements of the Stockholm Convention on Persistent Organic Pollutants. The ban has a direct effect on the management of lindane, endosulfan, perfluorooctane sulfonic acid and its salts, and perfluorooctane sulfonyl fluoride.
Additional information: http://www.mee.gov.cn/xxgk2018/xxgk/xxgk01/201903/t20190312_695462.html. Taiwan's Environmental Protection Agency has issued the Registration Methods of New Chemical Substances and Existing Chemical Substances. In this issuance, the EPA designated 106 existing chemical substances to complete the submission of registration within two or three years. Further, all chemical substance registrants are required to declare an annual number of stages. Other revisions focus on the reduction of administrative burdens for registrants.
Additional information: https://www.tcsb.gov.tw/cp-21-3363-00cf4-1.html. The Philippines issued a clarification on section II, the scope of Department of Environment and Natural Resources (DENR) Administrative Order 2007-23. Pursuant to the guidance, all distributors and users of chemical substances listed in the Priority Chemicals List (PCL), including importers and manufacturers, are required to comply with the applicable provisions of DENR Administrative Order No. 2007-23 including Section III, 3.1 as distributors or 3.2 as users. This Order took effect fifteen days after publication.
The DENR also issued a second Order which repeals the prohibition on EMB MC 2016-011, thereby allowing the issuance of the PICCS Certificate. Accordingly, the Order sets forth the guidelines on the validation and issuance of PICCS Certification. Finally, the DENR released the list of chemicals to be included in the Philippine Inventory of Chemicals and Chemical Substance. The Order took effect immediately. Additional information: http://chemical.emb.gov.ph/wp-content/uploads/2019/03/Draft_EMB_MC_Inclusion_of_Distributors_and_Users_on_PCL_Reqts_03052019.pdf. http://chemical.emb.gov.ph/wp-content/uploads/2019/03/Draft_EMB_MC_on_PICCS_Certificate_03052019.pdf. http://chemical.emb.gov.ph/wp-content/uploads/2019/03/MC_NOC.pdf. Greece has published the Procedures for Regulatory Control of Ionizing Radiation Practices – Recognition of Services and Experts. The Procedures include provisions on registration, transport of radioactive material, licensing, and obtaining authorization for various activities, such as importing and dismantling facilities. The Procedures also establish arrangements for education and training requirements for radiation protection experts.
The Procedures entered into force upon publication and repeal several ministerial decisions, including No. 216/6.3.2001, No. 576/24.09.1985, No. 909/7.06.2007, and No. 947/26.05.2015. Additional information: http://www.elinyae.gr/el/item_details.jsp?cat_id=2&item_id=13565. The Turkish Ministry of Family, Labor and Social Services, the Ministry of Environment and Urbanization and the Ministry of Internal Affairs issued the Prevention and Reduction of the Effect of Large Industrial Accidents Regulation. The Regulation sets forth the procedures and principles of high-level protection in a consistent and effective manner to prevent major accidents involving hazardous substances, and to lessen their adverse impacts on people and environment.
Additional information: https://kms.kaysis.gov.tr/Home/Goster/150458. Ireland's Health and Safety Authority published the Guide on Managing Ergonomic Risk in the Workplace to Improve Musculoskeletal Health (the Guide). The guide provides details on the main ergonomic risk factors that may affect a person’s health when carrying out work activities, outlines processes for risk assessment, and provides risk assessment tools which may be used to qualify these referenced ergonomic risk factors.
Additional information: https://www.hsa.ie/eng/Publications_and_Forms/Publications/Latest_Publications/managing_ergonomic_risk_in_the_workplace_to_improve_musculoskeletal_health.83379.shortcut.html. |
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