by Ellen Pinkos Cobb The European Chemicals Agency (ECHA) has selected approximately 300 substances from REACH registrations, for further review by the Member State competent authorities, who will determine whether regulatory action is required. Substances were chosen on the basis of an automated IT screening that targeted substances with potential carcinogenic, mutagenic or toxic to reproduction (CMR), persistent, bio-accumulative and toxic (PBT), endocrine-disrupting, sensitizing, or specific target organ toxicity following repeated exposure (STOT RE) properties. These substances were then further prioritized, based on uses that are likely to cause exposure to humans or the environment.
ECHA and the Member State competent authorities carry out annual IT and manual screening, with a view to identifying substances that present a risk for human health or the environment and submitting them to the most appropriate REACH and CLP processes, to guarantee their safe use. This screening approach is part of the SVHC Roadmap to 2020 implementation plan. Comments are closed.
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